Chadwell St Mary's

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About Us

We are a small school with a big heart.

Who better to ask than the pupils.....



"I love coming to CSM because all the teachers and staff are supportive. It is a happy place to come to, where everyone follows the Chadwell Way. This helps pupils to be polite and respectful to each other" Elisa - Year 5 pupil

"Chadwell St Mary Primary School is the best school ever, because we have the best teachers; they always try to bring out the best in us." Charm - Year 5 pupil

" I love the music in the mornings and the lessons and assemblies are fun" - Amelie - Year 4 pupil

"I love coming to school because I like maths lessons. I like maths because I can learn about different numbers" Corey - Year 2 pupil

"I like that people are kind to me, and I love PE!" Mikael - Year 3 pupil

"I love coming to Chadwell St Mary Primary School because of the wonderful school trips" Dwarozh - Year 6 pupil

"If I ever feel sad I can go to the pastoral team. My favourite part about the school is the delightful head, Miss Moorcraft" Raheem - Year 6 pupil 

I love Chadwell School because I get smarter and smarter and the teachers are kind." Jax - Year 3 pupil