Chadwell St Mary's

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The curriculum at Chadwell St. Mary Primary School aims to prepare children in understanding the world around them and prepare them to be able to positively impact on society. We want our pupils to be both interesting and interested and to have a good understanding of basic English and mathematics skills so that they are secondary ready when they move to their secondary school phase of education. By the time learners have left Chadwell St. Mary Primary School, they will have mastered a range of both skills and factual knowledge through regular requirements to recall and demonstrate them; opportunities to practise through careful planning for progression and depth. Our curriculum is customised to meet the vast range of needs of our learners.


Teachers are provided with detailed lesson plans from which they adapt their teaching to meet the needs of the learners in their classes. Successful implementation of our curriculum would include:

  • The unit overview outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master;
  • A cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth;
  • Challenge questions for pupils to apply their learning in a range of contexts;
  • Trips and visiting experts who will enhance the learning experience;
  • A curriculum overview for parents and carers so learners can be supported at home.


We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes;
  • A celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates progression across the school;
  • Tracking of progress in assessment task and tests;
  • Pupil discussions about their learning;
  • A sample of pupils’ learning across the school demonstrating mastery and greater depth of understanding;
  • The annual tracking of standards across the curriculum.

You can read our full Curriculum policy here:


Phonics and early reading

We use Read Write Inc as a scheme through which to teach basic skills in reading and writing. Read Write Inc focuses on a very structured approach to teaching reading through phonics in EYFS and Year 1.


We use Abacus Maths as our core scheme. This has been chosen to focus on ensuring that maths knowledge and skills are taught sequentially and there are repeated opportunities for children to “over learn” and revisit in order that they are secure in reaching the expected standard in each year group. Teachers are supported through detailed lesson plans and high-quality resources. The lesson plans are then adapted to suit the individual needs of each class.

Teachers have the flexibility and creative freedom to source a range of other resources to supplement their lesson; such as using Classroom Secrets to extend children’s mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.


Our English curriculum can be divided into its component parts:

  • Reading Comprehension – Chadwell’s Talk for Reading
  • Writing – Talk for Writing – an approach to teaching writing that encompasses a three-stage pedagogy: ‘imitation’ (where pupils learn and internalise texts, to identify transferable ideas and structures), ‘ innovation’ (where pupils use these ideas and structures to co-construct new versions with their teachers), and ‘invention’ (where teachers help pupils to create original texts independently)

Foundation Subject Curriculum (Years 1 -6)

We teach history, geography, art, design and technology and RE using the PlanBee schemes of work. PlanBee schemes of work include detailed planning with focused knowledge and skill content teachers need to deliver effective progressive teaching and learning.

Unit packs include slides to help explain subject specific concepts and challenge children to think critically and foster curiosity. Every lesson addresses National Curriculum objectives, so teachers can plan for (and track) progression throughout the academic year.

Foundation Subject Curriculum – reception class

Our reception pupils will learn through the Cornerstone’ Curriculum which provides exciting new themes and help develop their curiosity and independence.

Religious Education teaching in our school

Our family of SWECET primary schools believe that RE teaching has a very important part to play in preparing children for life beyond our school gates. We are committed to ensuring that all children and young people are able to learn and develop all aspects of their lives fully. A significant factor in this is their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

We use PlanBee schemes of work for Religious Education and teach it explicitly in years 1 to 6.

In addition to this we ensure that RE is “brought to life” through visiting speakers as well as visiting places of worship local to us. Each of our primary schools has strong links with the places of worship nearby.

Other subjects where there is an agreed syllabus:


Snap Science






Switched on Computing




Bespoke school curriculum

The Extended School

We offer a breakfast and after school clubs to support those families who work extended hours. The clubs are structured so that children develop their education and social, emotional selves.

Extra – Curricular Activities & Music Lessons

In addition to the main curriculum, there are activities organised as a valuable extension to the school day.

Thurrock Music Hub provided Wider Opportunities Music to year 4 & 5 pupils.

There is a wide range of clubs offered at lunchtime and after school. Activities change from term to term depending upon what members of staff are able to offer. A typical range of activities would include netball, football, cookery, board games, rugby, choir, ICT and art.

Although our children have weekly music lessons, they are also offered the chance to learn a musical instrument. These lessons are organised by the school but are paid for by parents. Children can learn the guitar, woodwind instruments, piano or drums.

PlanBee termly overviews



PE Curriculum


For any further information or questions regarding our Curriculum please contact the School office on 01375 843280.