Chadwell St Mary's

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This page aims to help parents understand how they can help their child if they have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability.

What are Special Educational Needs?

Usually called SEN, it means that a child has additional needs to the majority of children of their age and that they need extra help at school to achieve their full potential.  This could be for a number of reasons and we support these needs in a variety of ways.

What is a Disability?

Under the ‘Equality Act 2010’ you are disabled if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.

At Chadwell St Mary Primary, we aim to consider the individual needs of each child and work together to try to support every child.  This could be for a short period or for much of their time at the school.

Not all children with SEN are disabled, and not all disabled children have SEN.

In School, we follow the guidance in the SEND Code of Practice, to help us make sure we do all that we can to meet the needs of our pupils.
SEND Code of Practice

More information about the way we identify and support our pupils can be found in the SEND Policy and the Chadwell St. Mary SEND Information Report.  These documents set out to help Parents and Carers to understand what we do and how we do it, as well as the kind of support that we are able to provide.

SEND Policy

SEN Information Report


Miss Delucia is our SENCo and is available to discuss any queries or concerns that you may have.  Please get in touch through the school office on 01375 843280.

Thurrock Council

Thurrock Council has set out what is available to support children and families in Thurrock.  This is known as the Local Offer. (Click the link below to access this information)

Ask Thurrock (SEND & Local Offer)