Chadwell St Mary's

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School Dinner Menu


Summer/Autumn menu 2024


If your child is in Key Stage One (Reception – Year Two) then your child is automatically entitled to a free school dinner every day. This is now government policy. If you choose to do so, you may provide your child with a packed lunch as an alternative (please ask about our healthy lunch policy for packed lunches.)

It is vital that you apply for free school meals if you think you may be entitled-even if your child does not want to have the meals provided. This is because part of the school’s funding is calculated based the the number of children eligible for free school meals.

If your child is in Key Stage Two (Year Three – Year Six) your child may be entitled to free school meals. For more details please ask at the school office.

School meals cost £2.50 per day.

To ensure that our parents do not occur large quantities of arrears, we will not be able to provide a school dinner to any pupils who have more than £12.50 in arrears (equivalent to 5 dinners). This is to ensure we do not financially burden any of our families with arrears that they may struggle to repay.