Chadwell St Mary's

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Club offer for autumn, spring and summer term

At Chadwell St Mary Primary School, we pride ourselves on our approach to pupils' wider development and one of our key strategies is to offer a wide-range of extra-curricular clubs. These clubs run termly for 10 weeks. Parents need to book their child's place using the School Gateway app.

 Please see the offer for the autumn term 2024 and spring term 2025. Summer term to follow.


Breakfast Club (Every morning from 7:30am)

Starting the day with a good breakfast provides children with the energy to learn up until they have their lunch. For a small fee, children can have breakfast with their friends and take part in art activities before school to prepare them for the day of learning ahead. The cost for each day is £5.00.

For breakfast club enquiries, please speak to Miss Bell, our or contact the school office.

Breakfast club starts from 7:30am every morning in the school hall.