Chadwell St Mary's

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Our school uniform gives an important sense of identity and belonging to our pupils.

Whilst we are happy for parents to purchase uniform from any supplier we do expect that children wear the correct uniform:

  • White shirt/blouse/polo shirt
  • Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore
  • Royal blue jumper/cardigan
  • Black shoes (no heels or trainers please)
  • In the Summer Term blue checked summer dresses or grey shorts can be worn.
  • For PE all children need a light blue T-shirt, black shorts as well as a track suit for outdoor PE.
  • Plimsolls should be worn for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor PE, these should be kept in school at all times.

We expect children with longer hair (shoulder length) to wear it tied back. Earrings are not permitted for PE lessons and children will be asked to remove them for all physical activity.

We keep a selection of school uniform and PE kit in school for parents to purchase.

The items below can all be purchased direct from the school office:

  • Polo shirts
  • Blue PE t-shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Cardigans
  • Book Bags
  • PE Bags
  • Caps
  • Water bottles 
  • Swimming Hats


For more information about our uniform please see our uniform policy:uniform policy