Chadwell St Mary's

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Pupil Leadership Team

The staff at Chadwell St Mary Primary school whole-heartedly value the work of our pupil leaders. We are moulding leaders of the future who are ready to make a positive contribution in their community. We endeavour to craft confident, ambitious and articulate young people who can share their views and apply their leadership skills in authentic, real life situations. 


School Council

We are proud to have a school council at Chadwell St Mary Primary. Each class has two representatives on the council that put forward the views of the children they represent. The school council’s views are used to help shape the day-to-day life at our school.



Our ambassadors support 3 key areas across the school; reading, times tables and current affairs. Our reading ambassadors are chosen for their lover of reading, their willingness to share their passion with others and enthusiasm to promote reading throughout the school. They receive training in order to support younger peers embarking on their reading journeys.  Likewise, our times table ambassadors, promote and monitor the daily chanting of times tables in classes and support our maths lead with whole school maths themed days.

Our world wise ambassadors, are responsible for ensuring current news events are shared throughout the school. They lead debates, record pupil voice and regularly update our news display.

Office team

 Our pupil office team work alongside our office manager and carry out a wide variety of tasks including, delivering messages to classes, collecting and returning pupils to and from appointments, photocopying, stock checking, returning lost property and overseeing the distribution of dinner bands. 

Head and deputy boy and girl

Our head/deputy head boy and girl are responsible for representing the school. They also serve as outstanding role models for all students and are chosen after a selection process which includes a letter of application submitted to the head of school outlining their intentions and suitability for the role. We expect our head and deputy students to: have excellent attendance, be reliable, responsible and work well in a team, to communicate confidently and appropriately with peers, staff, parents and visitors, to be adaptable, enthusiastic, promote The Chadwell Way and maintain the highest standards of behaviour at all times.